Re: Swamp, zombie FPS by Aprone

hello guies. this is my first time posting up here. and there's a few things I feel that I need to get off my chest. this message is in no way intended to offend anyone so if it does, I apologize in advance, fist of all, I think we should be able to play the game that best fits us, not everyone plays the same way, if people aren't able to solo, they can go with other people, but for the people that are high levels, they need to solo in order to level, I dont' think its right to make people have to play a certain way cuz others can't play the same way that we can. I understand that some people can't solo like I can, I have absolutely no problem helping people that wish to level, but to tell us that we have to do missions with other people is just simply unfair. now, as for the part that has to do with people saying we should be reset? or that there shouldn't be truck sitters? well, first of all, I think that you shouldn't say anything about that i f you do what you say people shouldn't be doing, no disrespect, but I think most of the people on here will agree with what I just said, I really enjoy this game, but I think people really need to stop complaining just to complain, play at your own pace, and if you need help, you can always ask people for help, there's lots of people on swamp that don't mind helping people level, and talking about making other people suffer because you can't play the way you would like to be able to play isn't the way to go about solving your playing issue. if you want to be able to play better, get more levels, and weapons, complaining about your poor playing abilities, in other words, asking for resets, and for aprone to take away certain features, that most likely you use yourself, isn't the way to better your playing ability, point blank, get off your butt and do missions or kill, I realize that a lot of people keep saying that the game isn't the way it used to be, in life, things change, no matter what it is, In life everything changes, you guies that keep holding to the past need to realize that things don't stay the same, you need to learn to adapt, if you can't handle the way the game is, maybe you don't need to be playing. i'm sorry, but that's how it is. i'm just so tired of people complaining because things aren't the same anymore, learn to play the way the game is, and again , if you need help, you can always ask someone to help you. I myself have issues with the game,  but if you really like this game, you'll learn to deal with the changes, if you cant? well, maybe this game isn't for you, don't spend your time trying to mess things up for other players because you can't handle the way swamp is now, if anyone needs help on swamp you can always feel free to hit me  up and ask for help. I have no problem helping out people that actually wanna learn how to play and get better at swamp. now if all you wanna do is just sit, and not learn how to eventually do missions, then i'm sorry, but I have no intrest in helping someone that wishes not to help themselves. this is just a few thing that I felt I needed to voice, once again. if this offended anyone, then I appologize

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