Re: to blind new agers

@Tom, I've only got a second to comment on this and obviously it's a big issue.
To be honest I have real trouble with the idea of "Faith" as this magical thing that makes you stop reasoning. This is because many religious people who I have respected have also been extremely rational, reasonable people who do not naturally hold unrealistic beliefs, do not believe science to be the work of the devil, and would generally hold quite well with the study of biology, (including evolution), and astronomy.

I've always found this idea that those who believe the bible must be word perfect true (particularly sinse I am quite aware of all the translation shenanigans with different versions etc), frankly loopy and not really to have a lot with christianity. I believe this is partly a consequence of how I was bought up and the sort of christian traditions I saw, sinse as we've said on many occasions America is far more religiously extreme than the mains tream British perspective.  This is why to me "faith" as it stands always means more the idea of meditation, practice and a personal experience of, and attempt to have a relation to God, rather than holding the truth of some explanations over others and being wildly insistant on the wrongness of scientists. While I understand the logic, I just can't mentally get the idea of burning copies of the origin of species or refusing to even take note of scientific arguements to sit with the idea of actual prayer and experience of God, the two things just don't seem connected.

it'd be like if someone said to me "ah, you get an amazing experience from music so you must believe the earth is flat!" (music of the spheres, medeival cosmology etc etc).

As I said, I do see the logic if you believe that to be a christian you must! take the bible as word for word true, but mentally I just can't o the  gynmastics to make it happen.

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