Awesome tech podcast! Posting podcasts, again!

Hi everyone! So this might sceme something a little out of the ordinary for me to do, but a long time ago, I atempted making something called teh awesome tech podcast. It went I guess ok. It's kind of like bgz, cbt, bp, all those places whare you can post podcasts. And back then I wanted to try, and it like I said was sort of ok but mostly failed. I figured i'd post here about it, I decided to completely change things and I put it back online. The submission and just the podcast view layout is more simple than most of them. Just fill in your name, email, podcast title and description as well as an mp3, and I will get it and after looking at it I will throw it up there! I have a garenteed rss feed as well now for anyone wanting to get podcasts that way. I posted to see if we had anyone here who wouold like to encrease it from 10 podcasts from like 2 years ago to something awesome! If you want to see it you can go to http://awesomet and I hope you like it! I also hope I will see some submissions soon!

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