Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

Jeremy here:

No, the Guidedog Games service is separate from our company, and is open to other developers to use.  Word of caution here though: Dentin is one guy, and it takes a lot of work to get GDG and a game talking nice to each other.  Aaron and Dentin spent a lot of time developing the wrapper program we use.  For those who are using BGT, the wrapper will be available in a modified form for them to use.  Part of what has taken so long was building the GDG system, figuring out how to communicate from games to it, and vice versa.  As many people have latched on to, GDG is not up to its full potential yet: that's understandable, Dentin's been working on it for most of the last year to 18 months, and it requires more work.  Besides maintaining GDG and Alter Aeon, Dentin is working on his own new game Stellar Aeon which is a science fiction game.  Add to that that he is a programmer and makes his living doing work for other peopl e on deadlines, and his time is not always his own.  Other developers may have to spend the same sorts of time with Dentin that we did.  Don't expect thousands of games to appear on GDG overnight.  That said, Dentin is trying to work with people as they come in to the best of his and the developers' abilities.  Also too, as certain problems are conquered, the process goes faster.  Hooking up Yellowbonnet to GDG was less of a problem than we had getting Interceptor talking to GDG.  The same will hold true for other games in other programming languages.  Right now, a lot of the problems people are seeing both with the GDG system and with our games are problems of scale as Aaron noted in his earlier post: Yellowbonnet was not meant to be a superb multiplayer online experience; it was a minigame to showcase some of the things we had done.  Interceptor will not be a full-fledged first person shooter audio game.  It's a menu-driv en space combat simulator.  It's a fun game, and it gave us a lot of experience learning to do things that are necessary for later games.  Eventually, a more fully realized audio game style version of Interceptor, or another game in the same universe that uses the same assumptions, may come to pass.   In the same way,  GDG is a potentially explosive game changer (pardon the pun) but it is still in the process of being built.  I know this is a long-winded way of saying, yes GDG is open to any developer but, however, I wanted to give a truthful reply.  Any project like this is an ongoing process, and will take a while to complete.  I hope that answered well enough,


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