Re: A Modern Day Comparison of JAWS and NVDA


Not all programs install drivers, those that do need to restart your system to start the drivers that were installed. Most drivers have to be started by the system, not a user, during system start up. Thus a restart is needed.

There is a setting that tells JAWS whether to use virtual ribbons or not, if it's turned on and you don't like it, turn it off.

Initially a shortcut key to put JAWS to sleep sounded like a nice idea, but it would be of little value, because once JAWS is asleep, how do you wake it? Simpler to just unload it, then reload it later. Or you can use the configuration manager to tell JAWS to go to sleep when the Windows of programs you specify are active, then let JAWS put itself to sleep and wake up as appropriate with no hot keys needed.

If JAWS was Freedom Scientific's only product, I'd say your idea of free upgrades for life would drive them out of business. However, since they sell a large line of products, I agree that dropping the software maintenance agreement probably wouldn't hurt them very much.

Simply restarting the trial to get another 40 minutes without the anoyance of having to restart first would remove a huge incentive to buy it. Do you or your company sell a product? How about letting everyone use it for free? How long would you have a job or your company stay in business?

I suspect you have a configuration problem with your computer. I have JAWS and all I do when a sighted person needs to help me with my computer is turn off JAWS' voice. I do not have to unload it or put it to sleep and there are no problems with the screen or the mouse.

I've been using JAWS for 18 months now, and I find that it is very rare that I need to adjust the synthesizer. I'd much rather have hot keys used for things I'll use frequently than for things I might need a few times a year.

How JAWS reads a number is configurable . if a number has fewer d igits than the setting, it will be read as a number, one hundred twenty three, but if it has as many or more digits than the setting, it is read as digits, one two three. The default setting is five digits.

Does NVDA support UEB? Is it available in more languages than JAWS?

I don't have any problems programming JAWS, it just takes a willingness to learn. When I bought JAWS, I made it a goal to become JAWS certified. It took a while and was hard work because there was so much to learn, but in my day-to-day work doing software development, I have often been thankful I took the time to do it.

I agree with some of the features you wanted.
* A sleep hot key would be handy atr times, but of limited use because if JAWS really goes to sleep, it can't watch for the hot key to wake up.

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