Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

Valiant Galaxy Associates is proud to announce the release of our first commercial science fiction game Interceptor.  Interceptor puts the player in command of a space fighter in a  do or die mission to save its mother ship.  As waves of alien fighters attack, the player must battle them, level by level.  On certain levels the player will gain other targets such as alien supply vessels, alien command and control vessels, and possibly even their own mother ship. 

    Interceptor has two modes: normal in which you must play strategically and worry about resource management, and quick mode which takes out many of the complicating factors and can act as a practice mode.  In normal mode, not only do you need to worry about fuel consumption and ammunition levels but also about how damage negatively impacts your fighter.  A hit to a vital system might destroy your fighter, a critical hit to a nonvital system might make your fighter a sitting duck.  All systems interact, and choosing when, and how much, to repair is as important as where and who to shoot. 

    Interceptor is completely self-voicing.  The game is menu-driven, and there is no need to worry about being able to place your mouse in an exact position.  Documentation is included with the game itself, and you can access our online documentation from inside the game.  The game is forgiving, and if you must take a phone call or step away from your computer, your space battle will be waiting.  With ten levels of regular play, and a high level of random chance, the game is extremely replayable.  The game takes 30-60 minutes to play and costs $10.00 U.S. 

Like Yellowbonnet, our first game, Interceptor utilizes the GuideDog Games service.  GuideDog is a revolutionary games distribution service designed to act as an interface between game developers and visually impaired players (similar to Steam).  The service is operated by Dennis Towne, owner and operator of Alter Aeon, and uses the same credit card encryption and account management system that Alter Aeon uses.  Once you have an account with GuideDog, you can purchase any of our future games through it with no trouble.  Account creation is quick and easy, and purchasing a game from start to finish takes about five minutes. 

WARNING!!! Gray fighters incoming—are you ready to face them?

Check out the documentation here … ation.html
Download the game here … taller.exe
Purchase the game here

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