Re: starting guide dog training.

@Gene, I don't know how training is in the us, but here guide dogs are trained to go on command rather than messing all over the place. The guide ogs association will build you a small run, (about 4 foot by 3 foot), which your dog will go in.
With a bit of experience you know when your dog will do something that needs picking up, I do this myself with sets of disposable plastic gloves and small bags. 
AFter this you are fine.

If your out and the dog needs to go, you can usually find some grass most places, and usually if your dog has done anything, ----- mmmm, solid previously, you can guarantee there won't be anything, plus of course your dog is on a leed anyway so you can always check if you need to, though as I said reever is trained to go in the morning, in her run and once that's done, no problem.

Some people do run into problems with this, and of course you need to get used to your dog, but it's not a big deal provided you ju st sort the thing out.

I'll say this is also where the guide dogs association can be helpful, indeed guide dogs are probably one of the few blindness related organizations in the Uk that I have significant amounts of respect for, and that because they don't believe all blind people  inherently encompetent.

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