Re: What do people believe when it comes to religion and or spirituality?

Hi Bladestorm,

As for the Mahdi, I believe he is true and will come. Jesus will not be a lesser prophet, he will be the Caliph. Regarding Wahabis, not all of them are like that. There are good and bad ones amongst them. What you said can bear some weight. What I mean is, there are people who do claim to be Mahdi. It's not only from the Wahabis, but all across the Muslim world. The guy goes on Tv and essencially claims to be Mahdi, thus leading people astray.

The thing about death really comes about the verses that deal with the kafirun disbelievers. In arabic, kafir has two meanings. 1. Too disbelieve, 2, to knowingly cover up truth with falsehood. So you could have a friendly kafir. What these extremist Brothers and Sisters don't really realise is that if Allah allowed men to marry Christians and Jews, why would then he allow us to kill them without provication accept for our conceived ideas? What's also interesting is that Allah says regarding Christia n and Jewish women, "nore take them as secret concubins." So it is clear that once you're married with them, they have the same rights a Muslim Wife would have.
Now there are several reasons why this ignorance exists, and has lead to the growth of organisations like Isis.
1. Islamic websites. There are really bad ones out there, like Islamca, that promote this sort of thing.
2. Parents. It is the responsibility of the Mother and Father to educate the children in the religion, although most of it is best to do by the Mother since the Mother shares a connection with the child that the Father does not have, therefore she can understand her child better and adapt her teaching. Unfortunately, parents sit 24 7 watching Tv,, not praying, and let their children get to their own devices, which, as anyone knows, is bad parenting. Tv should only be watched for a bit.
3. Family influences. The thing about this kind of family is that they indoctrinate children with these damaging beliefs from a young age.
4. Ignorance. People don't read the Qur'an properly.  You can't just understand the Qur'an by reading it. And that's with any religious book. You need to read a comintary. For the Qur'an I suggest read Tafsir Ibn Kathir, it's online and free of charge and very good. Ignorance also means making the wrong sort of friends, whom can influence the person.

What these Muslims don't realise is that Abu-Talib, the uncle of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W, was a non believer, yet the Prophet S.A.W loved him.
Hope this helps. Remember, it wwould better to ask a good Sheikh such as Sheikh Hasan  Ali. They know the Qur'an better than I do and I only know  some of it, so I don't want to say the wrong thing. If you live in the Uk it would be easy to attend his lectures provided they're not too far away. Check his facebook regularly, he regularly posts where his new lectures&n bsp; will be. Additionally, if you want to get in contact with him, ask Ebrahim collige (just type it into google.) You might be able to contacct him through Hikma online. Don't expect an immediate response because these institutions are quite busy. And the staff may be on holiday. Give it a few weeks before resending the email and hopefully they'll reply.

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