Re: Screen Readers and the internet

Depends upon the page and situation.
My default on a new page is just as I did pre version 12 and all the jump to heading, jump to dropdown box stuff got added to supernova, ie arrow up and down, page up ad down for skipping paragraphs, and ctrl up and down for skipping larger chunks of text, plus a little of our old friend Mr. tab. I also use continuous read a great deal of course, indeed often I'll use continuous read on a page content before I start skipping around it.
If I know the page or what sort of element I want I'll usually use some of the skip keys, for example e for edit areas or b for buttons, but it depends upon page and situation.
I use to use the link navigator, ie, bring up a list of all links, controls,headings a great deal, but now I use the keyboard shortcuts instead.

One command I use quite often is the find text feature. What is handy about this is I can hit F3 type in a phrase or text and then be skipped there, however Superno va will retain that text within memory until I type in some new text, and I can use F4 at any time to skip ahead down the page to that text, or F2 to skip back.
This is really useful say if I want to look at the same peace of information on many pages.

For example, lets say I was looking through a bunch of old topics on the forum and wanted to look at all the posts by a specific member in those topics, I'd just hit F3, type the person's name (or maybe their location), into the box, then just continue hitting f4 to go to each next instance of that person's name on the page.

For sake of completeness here are all the basic stuff supernova does with the dolphin curser on the internet when you hit letters (or shift and letters to go backwards), ad how i use them.

a: link within page. Not used at all, indeed I don't bother with any of the skip between links commands sinse I either just hit tab or arrow around.
B: button, used a lot.
C: Listbox aka combo box, used quite often if I know there is one on the page, eg, looking at the database.

D: different element. This one is supposed to skip you ahead to next thing that is not the type of thing your currently on. It's very random and I've never seen the point really.

e: edit area. used a lot, especially on forms and forums. What I do with this forum is hit e to go to the edit area at the bottom of the page, then shift H back until i find my own last post,
F: form control. Didn't even remember this one existed.

G: Graphic. I use it occasionally but usually only when I remember to, have tried everything else and want a quicker method for skipping around a well known page.

H: heading. used relatively often though only on pages I think it will do some good on.
1-6: headings levels 1-6. Not used at all most of the time, but useful in some situations, I first got use out of these on the Puppet Nightmares party scr een sinse each party was a level 5 heading while each member was a level 4 heading.

I: list element. never used to bother with this one, but have found it occasionally handy if say I want to look more in detail at a list of bullets rather than just reading them all streight through.
K: next link. never bother.
L: next list.  Will take you to beginning of next list on page to navigate through list items with I. Weerdly enough though I find I occasionally useful I never bother with this one.

M: frame. never bother at all.
N: Next text object. no idea what this even means let alone bother using it.
P: paragraph. If I want these I use pg up and down which do sort of the same thing but more generaly.
Q:  block quote. don't even know what one of these iss much less why I'd need to find one.
r: radial button. Used if they're actually on the page, very handy for surveys and such.

T: next table element. If I nee d to navigate a table I just use capslock plus arrows to go between the sells and columns, don't bother with this key at all.
U: unvisited link. Oddly enough if i'm looking through links I just tend to either use tab or arrows. This one should! in theory be useful but I never seem to remember bothering to use it.
V: Visited link. Ditto for U.
X: check box. Used a lot on forms.

Semi colon: landmark. I think I only just found this one, right now! I'm sure I've seen a "set landmark" command kicking around somewhere, but the fact I can't even remember what this does if anything likely says how very very essential I've found it to be big_smile.

And that's it. Some very handy, some not at all, some I probably would use if I actually remembered and some that I don't even know what they are let alone why i'd wa nt to skip to them.

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