Re: doubts about iOS games
@Fabi, I can't suggest much as per the different Ios devices. I bought an Iphone 5 in 2012, primarily as you said just to play games on, but sinse I didn't have any other speaking phone I went for the Iphonerather than the Ipad because I thought I might as well get the hole hog .
I would however strongly recommend trying one out sinse I don't know how similar talkback is to vo in terms of gestures and there is something of a learning curve with a touch screen screen reader. Vo is in most ways very awesome indeed, and I was surprised myself how easy it was to use, but it's probably something you need at least a little familiarity with first.
I'd suggest perhaps you look around for an apple shop or somewhere else you could try the devices. I got a chap from a loacal blind group (well they are useful for something), to demonstrate to me
the Iphone 4. That indeed was part of why I got the Iphone 5 rather than the Iphone 4, because I liked the larger screen. Whether the Iphone 6 and latest Ipad screens are as Slj said too large I don't know (I'll think about it when I look at upgrading), but the best way to tell is trying it out.
Another matter I would suggest you consider is Gps, sinse there are some very! very! good satnav type programs for the Iphone which can be very helpful indeed.
Lastly, one sspect of the Ios experience I don't personally like at all is Itunes, or rather the fact that when buying music or audio with Itunes it's a right bugger to access on a pc owing to Itunes on the Pc being a pain in the arse! I've had a good old rant about this in the offtopic room so will not do so again, but suffice it to say unless your a fan of Itunes perhaps the Ipod is a less good idea.
That being said, purely on the games and other fun programs front there is so much for
Ios it's ridiculous! King of dragon pass alone will take you many hours, and that's before we get into action adventure games like pappasangre, or multiplayer mmorpg games like Solara, not to mention various sorts of puzzle or multiplayer games of different levels of complexity, and the Choiceofgames and hosted games gamebooks (I have heard these are available for Android though I'm not sure if you've played them on that platform).
So yes, I'd highly recommend having access to Ios in some form or other, just for what you can do with it if nothing else.
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