Re: Edge of Winter - New Castle Adventure Audio Game

Everyone, calm down a bit, OK?
As a software developer myself, i know that developing an audio game is not an easy thing, furthermore, audiogames are developed generally by one or two people, we don't have lots of money to hire programers, sound dessigners, voice actors, etc. and i think all release dates are an estimated thing.
Come on people, we're talking about a Little delay, not months of it!
Giro is doing what he can to finish the game as fast as he can, but if he releases something today, due to criticisms and demmands, the program, because a game is just a program, will be full of bugs and you will be the first ones to complain about it.
i haven't preordered the game yet, because i don't have money just yet. but in two weeks i'll be buying it wether the game is ready or not.
This game comes with the soundtrack, it is lenghty, it has Xbox controller suport, and full voice acting. learn to value some of these feature s, at least. and, most important, we, developers, have a personal life.
Finally, keep in mind that the audio games market is very small, we can't live just by developing this kind of software. to be able to eat every day, we have to work on more important things tan audio games. so, give jake the respect he deserves, and be kind enough to wait please.

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