Re: Danger on the wheel, new driving arcade by Oriol Gómez released!

I love this game! It just feels very arcade-like, and if I didn't know it were an audio game, I'd suspect it to be just another video game I couldn't play. Great work!
However I have some suggestions.
1. On time trial mode, I feel there should be a point where the game stops counting down from 10. Starting at 10 for the first few levels is fine, but maybe at level 8 or so, when you only have about 20 seconds, starting at 10 just seems too chatty to me, maybe starting at 5 would be better after a certain point? Only a small suggestion, however. Also, since the walls aren't really that much of a danger, I'd adjust the volume scaling a bit so that they fade in and out faster i.e. when you're in the center, the walls are very quiet, only when you are approaching one do you actually hear it prominently.
2. On survival mode, I feel that the bombs are indeed a bit touchy. While I'm getting better at avoiding them, their numbers make it sometimes impossible to get out of a bind. I realize it's all random so you can't control it, but perhaps you could compensate by making the damage area smaller so you can get a bit closer than present without getting hurt. I'd say maybe two spaces to either side would be a good compromise, then I wouldn't be so scared to try and weave in between bombs if I have to. But at present I'm just spamming the heck out of the up and down arrow keys to stay in one place while hanging around in either the top, middle or bottom of the screen, whichever area gives me the most distance. Another point, maybe there should be a wait timer so that you can't instantly change direction back and forth. Say, you start turning forward, to turn back again, you first have to wait 750 ms or so before you can change direction again. You'd only need it for up/down, not left/right imho.
3. I think it would be awesome to have health. Running into walls take, say, 25 health, getting hit with a bomb takes 50. When you dye, the game could pause for say 2 seconds and then resume, to let you know you just lost a life. Maybe there could be a chime sound to indicate items such as extra life cones, and health increases. They could spawn as sporadically as needed, but it would be nice to know that they're separate from normal cones. Heck you could use some of the Death on the Road sounds just because both games involve cars. Or ... maybe even on higher levels or another difficulty or whatever, have a car that roams around teh grid and you have to avoid it (think the robot in super Deekout). I'm having too much fun here ...
Anyway those are mainly my suggestions. This game is already awesome and playable as it is, but I am a firm believer that a simple gameplay concept can branch out into something else ... Take Super Egg Hunt, for example. While simple, that game has depth, and while I don't necessarily expect every simple game to have over 90 unlockables, I do try to come up with things that would liven up a simple game which would make you want to keep going.

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