Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

While I was not supposed to post here, I have decided to. Ameniel, you are doing exactly what Danny did with DMNB. Since this is public knowledge, I will tell you this: Danny left DMNB's operation up to the other admins some time ago, and he pulled back, mainly staying as a developer, just like you are at the moment. what followed turned his game into a virtual war zone. The admins didn't administrate properly, allowing the players to cause mayhem. If your going to do this, Ameniel, your game is going to fall into ruin before you know it. Saying that "you don't know what happened" is not going to cut it any more. Trying to remain neutral won't work, either. And definitely trying to let the moderators deal with it isn't going to work, as seen so far.
You need to deal with the moderators if you don't want your playroom to fall so badly no one will play it. It's quite obvious most of your moderators are not doing their jobs properly, and when this happens, you must step in. Acting like a developer and staying back won't help the situation either. Your moderators and administrators on the playroom need to learn that when someone does something personal, keep it personal, and do not, under any circumstance, ban them for it because it might have been offensive. That's exactly what will start this issue. Basically, your admins and mods need to learn to keep personal issues off of the playroom. If the issue is personal, then the issue is not playroom specific, and hence no rules were broken, so no ban is necessary. I think that the mod who banned Andy93 went way too far. Of course, you, being you, want to stay back in let the mods deal with it themselves. This might seem a little harsh, and I'm sorry for saying this in such a rude manner, but get off of your lazy ass and start repairing the damage you've unknowingly caused. The damage might have not been done by you specifically, but you let it ha ppen, thinking that people would talk it out and the ban would be lifted. It's quite obvious that this just won't happen.

So, I suggest you step in and unban those who have been banned for personal issues. Banning someone fora personal issue makes a ban completely pointless and quite childish. Once again, I warn you: If you let this happen, your creation will fall into ruin, just like so many others have.

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