3d audio in bgt using camlorn audio!

Everyone, I wanted to share with you all the camlorn audio bgt wrapper I made, allowing you to have 3d audio in bgt that actually works with full hrtf positioning reverb and filters! If you remember, camlorn strongly suggests that he stopped developing camlorn audio for reasons that were related to something very unstable that crashes all the time. I figured it would be unfair for me not to throw his warning out there. He says it is devenatly not production quality. For a bit of closure, I got the later version of the camlorn dll actually from an NVDA addon that used it that was later than the one we'd tested everything with, and I can tell you that NVDA addon was in the public. If anyone has heard of unspoken, that's the one. The exact dll came from unspoken 0.1. Anyway that addon was in the public and worked for most people, and I am using that dll which is still camlorn audio. ANyway, this allows you to have 3d sounds, really good sounding reverb, and optional filters and echo if you wish to use them. I've been working for months on this and I got some help from Mason Armstrong who after I wrapped most of it, just finished some stuff for me which saved me a lot of time, then he wrote a lot of the documentation. Anyway, this thing actually works, theres been only 1 computer out of well, loads that I have scene this not work on. Again reason being that this was the exact dll from the unspoken addon. Anyway enough about me ranting about dll's and addons. big_smile This pack atempts to wrap this DLL in such a way, that it emulates the sound object in bgt, at least to the best of our ability. What i've tried it with scemes to work and any bug reports that I might be able to fix would be welcome. Some could be just camlorn audio it's self not fixable by me but if it's the wrapper or your not sure please let me know about them. Anyw ay with out further ado, theres a readme in there that explains more. Enjoy!
Download from my developers page at http://www.samtupy.com/dev

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