-However, the thing about an opto/mechanical (CD) transport is that you
have to deal with how well the, uh, transport itself is working - and
that's a real-world error-prone process involving light, motors, and
quite fragile media. I have several real-life, perfectly reproducible
cases where a slightly scratched CD plays fine in one player, and with
skips/clicks in another. On a CD with even the most utterly
microsocopic imperfections (even a brand new one), you'll find one
transport plays it with more errors than another. Impercipble to the
ear, maybe, (a single bad sample just gets interpolated) but it's not
digital perfection.-

It's often salient to remember that the signal from the CD player
pickup (mechanism) isn't digital at all, it's a high-frequency RF
signal, with plenty of opportunity for it to get messed up before we
even get to processing it!

Anyway, to try and understand and visualise jitter better, this little
FAQ may help: -



Andrew L. Weekes
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