Before this becomes way to complex (for me) let me just tell you what i
am hearing with the change to the Russ Andrew switch mode power supply.
I'm assuming no sane person would like to read my individual notes on
each album (besides it would reveal my peculiar musical tastes) so the
summary is this so far:

I said before that the SB2 seemed to be 95% of what i got from my
Jolida jd100s used as a transport (mid-end hifi i guess but pretty
decent and very solid) The missing 5% roughly amounted to a certain
missing energy and a lack of dynamic punch - particularly on tracks
that seemed to demand it (try the new Kraftwerk live double)The detail
was all there and there was even grace and delicacy but - a certain
lack of oomph. 

Ooomph is what Ive got back - more energy, more slam - just a sense
that there is more current in the system (metaphorically). What i would
say though is that a price has been paid - I'm finding the treble a bit
overbearing now and will need to tame it by recorrecting on the Tact
RCS though ill probably wait a while and let it settle down.

So: early days (and i missed a couple of hours play with last nights
nightly having a firmware issue) but I've got my £80 worth in power
alone, perhaps a cost of extra treble brashness that I will need to
tame. Bottom line - I'm going to start ripping the rest of my record
collection. But if there were to be a "no holds barred" linear mode,
full on audiophile SB2 (hey the SB2 signature edition maybe...) for
(lets say) £499 I suspect (on uncompressed or lossless files) it would
lay to waste transports costing thousands of pounds.

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