WSLam Wrote: 
> Hi Gordy,
> The solution I mentioned above works, but it will be expensive. The
> battery itself is more expensive then the SB2! But it really does work.
> Digital Camera Battery (40W) + 5V cable.
> ws


Currently I'm running a 12V SLA battery to a 5V linear regulator to
feed my SB2.  I'm using the analog outputs (which I've modified) and am
very impressed with the results so far!  There is A TON of potential in
the SB2 that makes me wonder if it is even worth using an external dac.

I believe the next big improvement is bringing in the 12V off the
battery to replace the output of the 14V internal switcher IC...which
feeds the 5V and 3.3V regulators, which are critical to the analog
output performance.  If I wasn't going to try this, I'd just use a 6V
SLA and a 5V linear regulator to feed the SB2....less waste, less heat!

One more thing...I'm using the volume controlled analog outputs feeding
a Clari-T-Amp with no volume control.  The SB2's digital volume control
(done digitally before the DAC) sounds surprisingly very good IMO! 
There are 40 steps of volume, and using the remote control is very
convenient too :-)  Not having to install an analog volume control on
the amp keeps the circuit path minimal, which is yielding amazing

As I said above, I'm finding that there is a ton of potential in this

Vinnie R.

Vinnie Rossi
Red Wine Audio, Inc.
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