DrNic Wrote: 
> Yeah its where neither I nor the patient have a clue what is going on!!LOL!!! 
>  Good one! :)

pfarrell Wrote: 
> Atkinson says that all of the blind testing for audio that he has
> participated in, it is more of a test of the listener than the gear.I 
> couldn't agree more.  It's evident from Atkinson's experiment that not
everyone can hear differences in a blind test.  It seems that those who
clearly can hear differences are those industry experts and people
whose job it is to hear these differences.

So is blind testing still valid for us "mortals"?  I think so.  BUT,
not for the reasons most of us believe.  Remember, blind testing is a
test of the listener.  Once we accept that then, in my opinion, the
test itself becomes more relevant.  That's going to be a tough pill to
swallow though.  Pride and ego play a major part. "-*I* can't hear any
difference, so there can't be any difference."  "Well, maybe *you*
can't hear a difference but *I* can."-  It's not easy to accept that
maybe you can't hear something that others clearly can.

To me, blind testing can eliminate the placebo effect of hearing
something our ears can't hear.  It's not to say that the difference
isn't there.  It's just a matter of whether or not we, ourselves, can
hear the difference.

Yes, blind testing or double blind testing for audiophiles is a
scientific method. But the result is only valid for the person taking
the test.  It cannot be used to categorically describe the equipment
being tested.  So for experts who review equipment for a living (and
are probably less prone to this placebo effect) why should they

I like what Mike Hanson says in another thread:
"So I don't believe there's a perfect system that would satisfy
everyone. We just have to try things out, and decide for ourselves.
Ranting back and forth to each other on this board may be entertaining,
but beyond that it's pretty useless."


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