dean Wrote: 
> That's really interesting, I've got the 2.0 US update running here, 
> and the font is very clear when browsing the Handheld skin, and not 
> too bad when on the site.  There are some simple tweaks  that
> would make Handheld a lot better, but it's actually quite lovely  
> to read, IMHO.
> -dean

I see whats going on - perhaps Sony/Access have attempted some sort of
sub-pixel rendering as the vertical stokes on some characters are
"fatter" than they should be. Essentially text is blurred on my Jap/v2
and I would suggest this is in fact due to botched sub-pixel rendering.
I'm used to viewing text on LCD screens with "ClearType" rendering
(which is the MS name for sub-pixel rendering) and it usually looks
good - the difference between "ClearType" and regular font rendering on
an LCD is vast however it seems on the PSP that Sony/Access have created
a hybrid render which IMHO looks cr*p!

On my PSP I've got entire words that seem to merge together due to the
fatter downstrokes leaving no white space between letters - this looks
awful. Perhaps the horizontal resolution of the PSP screen isn't
sufficient to support this kind of technology, but ClearType works
perfectly on my 480x640 iPaq HX4700 screen so why not on the PSP?

I'm not saying you're wrong Dean, but if you look closely and compare
the PSP with other LCD screens I think you'll appreciate that the PSP
doesn't actually stack up too well. Either that or mine is deffective -
"very clear" is not a description I would use as the PSP text is blurred
rather than the pin sharp I get on the hx4700 or the Eizo LCD in front
of me right now! :)

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