I have not been able to compare the toslink and coax connection, yet.

I have compared the stock switching PS to the linear PS on coax digital
out. It was feeding a highly modded ART DI/O DAC direct into a modded
TEAC A-L700P. The difference was about the same as I heard on the
analog outs.

The highs were far more smooth with the linear supply. Midbass was
richer, fuller. Low bass extended.

All in all, I would suggest going with a linear power supply over the
stock power supply if you are looking to get even better sound out of
the SB2.

A couple of folks compared one of the BOLDER Cable modded SB2s to a
$4000.00 modded Denon 2900 over the weekend. The bottom line: The owner
of the Denon has ordered a SB2 and wants me to mod it for him. ;-) 


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