
I hear poping noise between the songs when I set it to Apple Lossless to AIFF. And, I hear slight clicking sound between songs for continuous recordings (like live recordings without obvious gap between songs) when I use Apple lossless to Flac. I reported this as a bug. I think I will just use AIFF for now since there might be slight loss of sound at the begining when I use Apple lossless also. Let me know if you observe what I hear.


On Sep 11, 2005, at 10:23 AM, PhilNYC wrote:

This may be a dumb question...

I've been storing my music as Apple Lossless on my Mac. Noticed in the
Slimserver file types that Apple Lossless only has decoding options to
FLAC, AIFF, and MP3. Which of these should I be using? I would assume
FLAC...but does this mean that the Slimserver is decoding to FLAC, and
then the SB2 is decoding FLAC to WAV?  Am I looking at any kind of
performance loss because of needing to decode twice?


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