vidurapparao Wrote: 
> Latest svn and the next nightly build (along with Squeezebox2 firmware 
> 22) implements volume normalization/Replay Gain for various audio and 
> tag formats - ogg, FLAC, MP3Gain (APETAGEX), AACGain, RVAD (MP3 via 
> iTunes) and RVA2.
> There is now a Replay Gain setting under the Player Settings > Audio 
> section of the web interface. This setting can take the following
> values:
> 1) Disable Replay Gain
> 2) Use Track Gain (if present) - uses only track gain information.
> 3) Use Album Gain (if present) - uses only album gain information.
> 4) "Smart" gain selection - uses ideas and code from James Sutula's 
> Dynamic Transition Updater/Smart Gain plugin to dynamically choose 
> between track and album gain. The idea is that album gain is used if 
> successive tracks are from the same album and in track order, track
> gain 
> is used otherwise.
> The last is the default value of the setting. Please give this a try, 
> post feedback and file bugs if you see any. I'm open to alternate ideas
> for the setting choices and default.
> Thanks to Dan Sully for tag parsing/database work and James Sutula for
> his plugin.
> --Vidur
Fantastic.  I'm not sure if Replay Gain has an enormous amount of
appeal for the typical dyed-in-the-wool audiophile, although it's a
godsend for casual listening.

I love the Smart Gain idea, but I'm not so sure I agree with requiring
track order.  If you queue up an album, then you delete a track (you
know, that one track that always ruins the album-listening experience
:-) will Smart Gain revert to Track Gain?  I don't think it should. 
I'd prefer logic along the lines of "if three or more tracks in a row
are from the same album, then use Album Gain, otherwise use Track


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