I've been playing about with upsampling for a while now, but I don't
think it can beat a good non upsampling DAC. Yes, they do 'stuff' to
the sound but I don't think it's worth doing. It is just like a digital
zoom as other people as said... you can print it out bigger, but it's
not higher quality. 

I'm having a dabble with the Reimyo DAP-777 at the moment, and am
becoming intrigued in a moth-to-light-sorta-way by the Shiragaki /
Dumpty combo. 

I'm far more interested in 24/96 playback and of the potential of
things like the service Onkyo started recently.
24/96 downloads direct from the masters, if I'm led to believe
correctly. Now this would be interesting, if only to highlight the
crappiness of what passes for masters these days :p


AKA "bangraman" on Head-Fi.
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