2005-09-24-22:29:24 m1abrams:
> If this solves the problem, I suggest either buying some cheap but
> still very good 900Mhz phones to replace your 2.4Ghz or upgrade to
> 5.8Ghz cordless phones.

...and if you do this, and want to go the 5.8GHz route, make sure the
phone you choose does all its work in that frequency range.  Note that
some phones labelled "5.8GHz" communicate in one direction (I'm guessing
base to phone) in the 5.8GHz band and the other way in the 2.4GHz band.

Some brands of 5.8 phones actually stay completely in that band, and
thus actually avoid tromping on wireless networking.  I believe Uniden
is one of those brands.

I've been told that some of the Panasonic phones are particularly sloppy
about coloring inside the lines, frequency-wise.  I do know that I used
to use a phone from their Gigarange Extreme line, and while it did
indeed have great useful range, it sometimes blew down the wireless
network connection.
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