It might be interesting to know if any measurable difference
can be found jitterwise on either the analog or digital outputs when
the Squeezebox is isolated (as much as possible) from physical
vibration... Some hi-fi manufacturers swear that "floating" their
boards has a noticable positive imapact (NAIM for one)... and god knows
most audiophiles have at least played with spikes/cups/rubber feet/inner
tubes... not to mention =much more= esotic (read: expensive) vibration
damping rigs under their transports/amplifiers/PSU's/etc.
I've never seen any hard numbers for these "improvements"... although
I =have= heard the differenece these isolators can create.

Here's an (basic) idea for a possible series of tests. Measure jitter
while the device is idle; while its playing (no ambient sound - ext.
amplifier off); playing (full rockin'/concert level sound). Then the
same series of tests with some sort of vibration isolation in place.

Anyone else interested?

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