I've never looked at the Roku world before, but this posting prompted me
to go and read the original forum post that Sean linked to.  It's
certainly a different world over there, isn't it!  I couldn't believe
how strong the temptation was to jump in and post "why don't you just
all go and buy a squeezebox?".  :-)  Confusing that the soundbridge is
also referred to as an sb - hadn't thought of that before.


DrNic Wrote: 
> As much as I know I shouldn't jump in to help give Roku a shoeing, I
> can't resist this time!!
> This is such a dumb thing to do, and having just spent a bit of time
> reading their forums I can see they are going to seriously p*ss some of
> their customers off!
> Way to go...
> Nic


The wild things roared their terrible roars and gnashed their terrible
and rolled their terrible eyes and showed their terrible claws
but Max stepped into his private boat and waved good-bye
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