
It seems we butt heads a lot, but believe it or not, I do value your
and Macs thoughts. I just take exception with discussions that focus on
measurements with out subjective evaluation considered. There is a big
discussion on MAD regarding exactly that going on now. 

Measurements are critically important in the design stage of any audio
component, but we aren’t really discussing designs. We’re talking about
taking a very well engineered product and doing some mods to improve how
it sounds, not how it measures. Many times these two thing correlate but
not always. 

The differences in how the two DACs measured seemed irrelevant to me
because Sean has already done the measurements on the SB and Burr Brown
has measured the DAC’s. The KE chip specs better so unless Burr Brown is
a charlatan, I believe them to be true.

Modding usually involves using the best parts available, such as the
KE DAC, Blackgate caps etc. I don’t have to measure a Blackgate to know
it sounds better than run of the mill caps. I’ve listened to Blackgates
in my equipment for close to 15 years. I’ve either modded or had modded
every piece of equipment in my audio system. Some mods were a
significant change and others weren’t. None made the sound quality
worse. Whether this is audible to you I don’t know. It is to me and
many, many others. 

What I was trying to convey was Vinnie’s (I assume Wayne’s too) mods do
provide a very noticeable improvement, IMHO, in sound quality of an
already excellent product. To ridicule or dismiss this without a
comparison by “several” I feel is short sighted. I read your and Mac’s
posts to be unfairly dismissive of this service. 

I take the speakers I build and let the masses evaluate them every year
at the DIY events. Sometimes the opinions mirror mine and sometimes they
don’t but it at least gives me input on the designs I build. Some folks
seem to be afraid to do that for some reason. This is what I meant by
several. Opinions will vary but there is usually a consensus in the

Sorry if you took offense at my post. It was meant only to provide a
different perspective on a somewhat controversial subject, not to
belittle or ridicule your point of view. Ultimately, it all comes down
to the music for all of us. We just have different paths to get there.

Best regards,


Davey Wrote: 
> Jim,
> I didn't say "only measurements matter,"  I said "measurements matter."
> And I do consider myself a very seasoned audiophile who listens AND
> measures.  I know my opinion is not worth much to you....but it's worth
> what you paid for it....or about the same as your opinion is worth to
> me.
> Anyway, my main point was, Vinnie was quoting the improved
> specifications of the "KE" version of the chip, but when queried about
> whether this translates to actual measured performance in the SB his
> answer was that he never bothered to test it and was relying on
> subjective performance only.  There's nothing wrong with that, but I
> guess I'm the only one who saw the irony.
> Cheers,
> Davey.

Jim Holtz
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