I'm new to my squeezebox, and not sitting in front of it, but if you can
create a random mix of a playlist, then you can easily use tags to
exclude individual tracks. I've been doing this for a while because of
the sheer number of ipods in my household.  My family just inserts
semicolon delimited keywords in the 'comment' tag, and then we have
iTunes smart playlists which select based on 'comment contains.'  You
have to be careful that none of your keywords are substrings of other
keywords, but other than that, it works like a charm.  It is easy
enough to construct sophisticated playlists based on tracks which do
contain 1 keyword but not another, etc.  Tracks I like get my name. 
Tracks my wife likes get her name in the keyword list.  When we go out
for a motorcycle ride together, I sync a smart playlist consisting only
of tracks which contain both my name and hers in the comment field.  You
could do the same thing in order to create smart playlists for random

We happen to use a mac, so I wrote a few Automator actions to aid the
process of adding new keywords.  The first just adds a new semicolon
delimited keyword to the selected tracks.  We then have a bunch of
automator workflows on the desktop, one for each keyword, so it is
super easy to highlight a bunch of new tracks and shove a bunch of new
keywords into them.  I also wrote an automator action which grabs a
random subset of a list of tracks, limited by size, so that it is easy
to get a __different__ subset of a playlist every time I sync it, sized
for the ipod I am currently syncing to.  I don't know why apple made the
smart playlists only change over time if you include a selection
parameter that is self exclusionary and then check the live update
feature.  Otherwise, you get the same damn order every time you grab
the playlist.

Since I've got both lossy AAC and apple lossless files, I'd really like
a feature that would tell the slimserver to ignore two tracks with
identical track info that are in the same directory, since currently,
when playing an entire album, I wind up hearing each track twice, first
the lossless form, and then the lossy.  Of course, on the cd's which
don't have a lossless form, I still want the AAC or mp3 version to be
played.  Is this functionality possible within the plugin architecture?
If so, I'll likely write it.


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