stone Wrote: 
> It's been a couple of months since i got the SB2 now. At first i used
> the supplied interconnects, without being too impressed. When i retired
> my CD player, letting the SB inherit the interconnects, somthing
> changed. All in all sound quality improved quite a bit, but also a
> slight tendency towards brightness was revealed. This combined with
> excellent detail in the soundstage, is actually quite tiresome to
> listen to.
> Any suggestions to what might be wrong here? Is the SB very sensitive
> to the capacitance in the interconnects?
> Setup: Monitor Audio silver 7, Electrocompaniet ECI-3, with Nordost
> solar wind interconnects
> S.

Did you disconnect the CD players interconnect on the other side too?
If not, do that a few times! Doing so will remove some influences of
oxidation and airborn particles.

I don't know how many times my entire system has been brought to a
whole new level just by cleaning all contacts with a good contact
cleaner. Just unplugging and re-plugging helps a lot too, however.

First thing I do when I get a new player of any kind is to clean the
connectors. (Inside female phono plugs are a bit tricky.)

Also, make sure your interconnects' phonoplugs have a snug fit.

You may also want to try and disconnect various other things from your
amp and see if that is the problem! Things you are not listening to,
but which are connected, will influence the sound of most systems! (Any
A/V system is normally a major influence.)

P Floding
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