and thansk for all replies. About being an audiophile: I've been there,
done that. In the attic I have a pair of IMF TLS80-speakers, big ass
fridges, icredible sound but impossible to place in my livingroom.
My relation to good sound is like it is to music. A good tune is a good
tune, I don't care if it's Dire Straits who made it.
So what sounds good in my ears is good enough for me.
Yes, I have a lot of MP3:s, just because iTunes on my Mac doesn't
recognice Flac, I've spent a lot of time decoding Flac to AAC and I
don't want to go trough the whole library again.
There is certainly some 128 among them, I myself use 192 and I'm quite
sure that it close to impossible to tell the difference between 192 and
SB3 is a really nice machine, but if it's as great as many says why do
I have to mod it?
I know some buffs want the music completely flat. I'm not one of them,
it may work if I carry down my fridges from the attic but not with the
speakers I use now. Still a EQ would be nice.
I've tried the 6.2.2 and experienced a lot of cuts in during playing. I
will try it again, since I suspect it was due to slow updating of the
Maybe I buy myself a new amp, it would be with a great deal of sorrow,
my B&O is 20 years old, have a fantastic designed and is as a fact a
dear old friend, even if the remote is bigger than some of the
bathrooms I've been forced to use sometimes.
And still: the iTunes intreface it's much nicer and quicker than
This whas a bit long. Sorry.


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