Isolation makes no difference to the sound in the real world (turntables
excluded for obvious reasons).  It might do in a dedicated listening
room or in a lab, but in the real world its just not worth it.  The
differences if any are so minute that they are not worth striving for. 
I've been there with my audiophile hifi which i've slimmed down to just
amps speakers and a squeezebox.  All the expensive cables, CD transport
and DAC, milimetere perfect positioned speakers and accoustic damping
have bit the dust.  Some of the things we audiophiles do to try and
improve the sound quality is crazy, and when you find yourself testing
music between different cables, or blue-tac under the speakers vs £150
titanium cones, desperately trying to detect a difference, well it
smacks of psychological instabillity to me.  I decided to listen to the
music intead of being obsessed by sound quality. When it comes down to
it, audio equipment doesnt need tuning, its great out of the box.  Just
find a setup you like the sound of and get on with enjoying your music.

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