dorkus Wrote: 
> p.s. clive, i hope you don't think all i'm trying to do is contradict
> you at every opportunity. :) just trying to provide an alternative view
> of things in the hopes that it may help you get greater musical
> satisfaction out of your hi-fi.
As it happens, I do get a great deal of satisfaction from my hi-fi. For
about 15 years I was a typical "audiophile", forever seeking out better
equipment to feed my habit. (In a sense, audiophilia is like an
addiction). Then in 1993 I bought a new pair of speakers, and since
then the urge to tinker and try out new things has practically
disappeared. I put this down to the fact that when those speakers
arrived, I had finally got to the point where my system was playing
music instead of audio. For sure, I sometimes wonder whether something
new is worth trying - hence the experiment with the Lucid DAC. But the
bottom line is that I'm happy with the way it sounds and I have better
things to do with my money.

Meanwhile, I'll occasionally pop up in here to offer some objective
ying to the subjectivists' yang. This thread started out as a
discussion of SPDIF. My only intention in posting was to point out how
amazingly robust the protocol is, and that people fret far too much
about it.

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