I think it should be pointed out that, given the way the squeezebox
functions, the fact that both formats are lossless, and the way a
computer network operates, it's close to impossible for there to be any
difference in sound quality.  Just about the only way I can see this
could happen is due to the processing of the file inside the
squeezebox, but I'm very skeptical of that for reasons I can explain if

I'm saying saying this in a friendly spirit, not to criticize or flame
you; if you prefer WMA by all means use it.  I just feel it's worth
pointing out in the context of this discussion.

On the issue of volume, I fully agree with the above posters.  I've
experienced this "louder sounds better" effect many times in my own
attempts to do blind tests.  I would suggest having your friend try to
volume match using the volume control, remembering that even very small
differences in volume make a difference.

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