> Thanks for the link to headfi.org.  Now I am not sure if I should just
> mod the anolg out on the SB3 or purchase the DAC-AH and mod that.  It
> looks like the DAC-AH would be easier to get into and change the
> components but ?

I've been using SB3 with a DAC-Ah for about 3 days now while my Cary
cdp is getting repaired.  It definitely sounds better than the Sony 595
cdp.  I can't obviously compare it to the Cary.  It also greatly
improved the SB3 by itself.  It took away the grain and recess of the
sound.  The music at times seems a little blunted, but all in all quite
musical.  Not the final word on soundstage, but for $150 it made a huge
improvement.  I don't know much about the various mods, since I'm
hoping to use the built-in DAC on the Cary once it returns.  But I
definitely will compare the two dacs once Cary comes back.

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