opaqueice wrote:
> Yeah - certainly the simplest equalizer I can think of (a bunch of RLC
> band pass filters) will totally destroy the phases.

Right, and even fancy parametric eqs are just combinations of RLC nets.

> I'm happy to accept that, but I'm asking why don't all the other elements
> in the audio chain do just as much damage to the relative phases as an
> equalizer?  Just as an example, a speaker cross-over by itself will
> induce a phase difference between everything above the crossover
> frequency and everything below, no?

You bet. That is why there is a whole branch of audiophiles who are into
single speaker systems, i.e. http://www.lowtherloudspeakers.co.uk/

And I believe that is why quads and electrostatics sound so good to my
ears -- no crossover.

One of the old time design points was for a preamp to be within a
db or so from 5hz to 100kHz, with the idea that it would not
add any new phase inflection points.

And one of the few plausible justifications for mega dollar
interconnects and speaker cables is all cabling is nothing more
than a RLC network.


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