The SBs don't support streaming 48 KHz WAV files as WAV files. They need to be converted to Flac by checking the box for WAV to Flac.

By the way, there is a bug streaming WAV 48 KHz in Flac with the 6.2.2 (you might not notice it if you don't listen to continuous recordings but beginning of songs will be cut off slightly and you here a slight click). Fortunately, SD has fixed the issue with 6.3 so I recommend you to switch to it.

Regarding the resampling from 44.1 to 48, as Sean noted, there shouldn't be any benefit in most cases, but if you own digital devices which do internal processing at 48 or at multiple of 48, upsampling with good computer based softwares will avoid the on the fly, non integer calculation inside the devices (which will be inferior to the result you get from computer based software), and it can possibly give you better sound. I have digital amps that do internal processing at 96 KHz and upsampling with Adobe Audition (44.1 to 48) gives better sound in some materials. However, upsampling with iTunes or Amadeus II didn't improve the sound at all. Again, as noted by Sean, non-integer calculation is hard (even when it's done with computers). You have to be picky how you do it. Do you have any digital device that does sample rate conversion inside the unit?

On Jun 24, 2006, at 6:11 AM, SOWK wrote:

seanadams Wrote:
I'll bite.

44.1 -> 48KHz resampling is by no means a trivial process. I've heard
of different algorithms, and one implementation which totally screws it
up resulting in easily audible noise.  I am doubtful that digital
upsampling by a non-integral factor less than 2x can even theoretically be done without distortion, though I can't be bothered to work the math
on a Friday night.

44.1->48, IMHO:

Different: probably (regardless of if you can hear it)
Worse: probably
Better: absolutely not
More detail: not in a million years

I have a question for you, or anyone that can answer this.

When I go into file support, I uncheck everything except WAV to WAV.

And if I play my music, its slows down the music to half pace while in
play back, very strange.

But If I leave WAV to FLAC checked, it works fine.

WHY is it slowing down, and if I have WAV to Flac selected is it doing
a conversion before outputing the song?


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