The answer is mainly "its up to you." but heres a longer response.

If you have been very selective about buying CDs, then maybe all those
albums are ones you like then sure rip them all.

But you have already said you have some stuff you don't need or like.
If so whats the point keeping it. It'll just annoy you when it plays on
random.....and surely everyone listens on random from time to time.

Heres what I do. First I ripped 80% of my CDs; but 20% i didnt because
I thought jeez why the hell did I buy that! Next I listened to the
ripped tracks and deleted those tracks that i simply hated or disliked.
Those I was not sure about I kept but rated as 0 in itunes. Then I rated
each track 1-5 on the itunes scale. Now I select playlists omitting
speech, opera, classical etc. Now even in randon I can great stuff. In
fact I have a playlist called "Surprises" which is high rated tracks
that I have not played in 5 months or more.

This works well for me, but is a lot of work.

hope that helps



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