Oops, just stumbled back upon this thread, and realized I never posted a

In a nutshell... tried the MF X-10, which indeed "softened" the highs,
albeit sounding "syrupy", but it really muddied up the bass (at least
to my ears).  I returned it (one of the benefits of buying NEW from a
reputable dealer!)

I subsequently borrowed an Art Audio VPS DM tube pre, which was warmer,
but articulate in the mids and highs, yet still muddying up the bass
slightly (though less than the X-10).

Next up, I plan to finally try the Modwright SWL 9.0, a tube/SS hybrid
design, which supposedly retains tight bass output.  

Further mucking up my decision-making is the upcoming release of the
Transporter.  However, the ONE thing apparently lacking in the
Transporter (? fatal error) is a Home Theater bypass loop.  That
precludes truly using it as a preamp (at least in MY system).


squeezebox2 (with elpac linear psu) to benchmark dac1, direct to sunfire
cinema grand 200 ~five (vertically bi-amped) driving ml aerius i's, blue
jeans cables.  'click to see my system'
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