sbn wrote:
I can see that it only impacts the analog outputs, so my first guess
was that it was using some kind of analog volume control, controlled by
the slimserver...

There is nearly nothing analog in the SqueezeBox.
Its a digital box. Sean and others can correct me, but
I would expect that the SlimServer sends a command to the computer in the SqueezeBox to turn down the volume. And it either adjusts the
digital signal sent to the DAC, or adjusts a VCA.

There sure isn't anything that looks like a motorized potentiometer.

But then i read about all these guys noticing a diffent sound via
SPDIF, using the -63dB tweak...

Not clear if the world famous 63 dB tweak is real or just an urban folklore.

In short: What's the impacts of the volume control and the preamp
attenuation, and how do they work?

Would be interesting to know. Or it might be a trade secret of SD.
The firmware and design are not open source.


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