I just got me a power amp, Thule Audio SPIRIT PA150B (2x150 watts) and
connected it directly to the Squeezebox - sounds GREAT!

This setup seems to work fine, althoug i get some hard clicks when
turnin the SB off and on, so I should just remember to turn off the amp
before plugging/removing power to the SB

The volume seems to be fine without attenuation in the loud scale (it's
late in the night here so i cant wake my neighbours with music) - but
when playing at level 1 (lowest) it still seems too loud, så i added 10
dB attenuation, seems ok, but still loud... 

I cant make any conclusions untill tomorrow where I'll power it to the
max... I just dont want to be in a situation where max volume is too
low and min volume is too loud...

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