the_twin;136315 Wrote: 
> In the end what is best is what you prefer, not the opinion of some self
> appointed expert.

Thanks for making such a meaningful contribution to the thread and
responding to my first post!

I carried out blind listening of both and must admit I was amazed at
how much better my old CD player was, (comparing CD to FLAC) but having
read back through the posts on this site I see that the sound of a SB3
is comparable to a budget CD player so it's no surprise really.

I guess it explains why so many squeezebox owners have modified their
units and have seen dramatic improvements in sound quality, hence the
introduction of the Transporter.

However I suspect benh's SB3 could well sound better than the Arcam 10
because the function of the DAVE module was to provide surround sound.

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