OK I'm gonna step out on a limb and propose something y'all may think
crazy. I find groups I work with have difficulty solving problems or
innovating because they dont have an effective process to move ideas
along to some valuable solution(s). I find the same true of forums like
this.  This got me wondering: What would happen if we efficiently
harnessed the collective power of this forum to develop tweaks to

One way to characterize an efficient approach would be: 

1. Idea Generation- a simple brainstorm list without censoring, or
evaluation; no ownership of ideas; just get the ideas captured.

2. Cost/Benefit Analysis of Ideas- use the forum to discuss likely
cost/benefit of each idea one at a time in order to screen the rough
list.  Then distil our judgement by some kind of structured valuing or

3. Testing of Selected Ideas- assign willing testers to actually
install the tweaks in their Transporters and test results using
methodology this forum agrees on.  Methodology can include both
objective and subjective approaches.

4. Selection of Proven Ideas to Implement- final discussion of results
and evaluation of which ideas are 'proven' and worth implementing.  

I can hear people screaming: "GEEEEZ this things is barely out of the
UPS van and you want to improve it?  Why?"  My answer is: "Cause thats
what we do, we cant help it!  And even tho it seems early to talk about
improvements, often the best time to get ideas is when we are first
confronted with something."  

I will be happy to try to keep us on track.  Anyone up for this?  If
so, please chime in to this thread with tweak ideas, from the dubious
to the sublime.  Be sincere tho.  If you enter toungue-in-cheek items I
am stupid enough to add them to the list and it will just clutter things
up!  I will start us off:


1. Chassis Damping, with Dyna-Mat like material
2. Replace the NE5534 Op Amps with Op Amps with "high audiophile cred"
such as OPA627 or AD8610
3. Piggyback the AKM 4396 DAC chips
4. Add RFI/EMI Sheilding and/or ERS to the SMPS's
5. Replace the IEC input with a filtered IEC input

atkinsonrr's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=7214
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=27994

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