My advice is the same to anyone: find a complete system that you just
fall in love with, and work towards that.  If you just audition one
component at a time, you will never stop upgrading.

There are huge differences between systems, so listen to as many as you
can, and you will find one that really works *for you*.  This does not
have to cost five figures, but will probably cost well into four.

Once you have your ultimate, work out a plan as to how you can achieve
it in affordable steps.  I fell in love with the low-power valve amp &
high-efficiency speaker sound 'philosophy', as expounded by Living
Voice, Audio Note and others, and have moved through budget Audio
Innovations amps and Snell speakers to what I have now - all steps were
logical, affordable and sounded great.  I can't see me upgrading my main
system for many years now (except maybe a Transporter...), as it sounds
amazing - better than much of what I hear at hi-fi shows, despite being
a fraction of the price of many.



SB3 and Shanling CDT-100, Rotel RT-990BX, Esoteric Audio Research 859,
Living Voice Auditorium IIs, Nordost cables
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