Thanks for that - I'm pretty certain it's 50ohm cable going by those
diagrams and descriptions.

I asked an electronics mate of mine and he said he didn't think it
would make much difference.  He reckoned the most likely effect was
that it would lose signal strength (my words, not his) on account of
the reflections at the 75-50ohm and 50-75ohm transitions (again, my
words!).  Given that it works as it is, and sounds a lot better than
the cd player, I think I'll stick!  It's always fun to hear about the
theory though, even if I do only understand 50% of it.  ;-)


Triode;146788 Wrote: 
> Depends what you mean by "network cable".  Old ethernet cable and much
> lab stuff is 50 ohm characteristic impedance.  Patch cables used for
> telco transmission links [1.5M, 2M, 34M, 45M etc] is 75 ohm.
> The bnc connectors should match the cable impedance - normally the 75
> ohm ones don't have insulation around the earth connection - see here
> (thanks to google!):


What do we want?  Smoother Analog VU with FLAC!
When do we want it?  At the soonest possible convenience to the
hard-working yet undervalued Slim Developers.  ;-)
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