JohnSwenson;148463 Wrote: 
> In the SB3 both the regular volume control and the preamp level are done
> in the digital domain. The regular is done in the processor under
> control of the firmware and the preamp level is done using the
> attenuator in the DAC chip itself. I'm not sure how that is split up in
> the transporter. 
> John S.

Thanks. I have two follow up questions:

1) In another thread, we've identified the regular volume settings of
40-100 as the "safe zone", that is, the region where volume attenuation
results in loss of SNR, but no loss of information in the digital signal
itself. What is the analogous "safe zone" on the preamp volume control,
which has a total range of 0 to -63db?

2) What settings on preamp volume control will give identical
attenuation to the settings of 90, 80, and 70 on the regular volume

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