You will notice that I did disclose my connection.  For the record, too,
I have been a dealer for less than two weeks.  My comments about mods,
etc., were from well before I even thought about becoming a dealer.

But that's beside the point.  You've enjoyed trolling me, and others,
on several threads, so this is expected.

And, again, don't take my word for it -- read Ben Diss's report.  Ben
is not a dealer.

Finally, "fanboy" is, well, a bit of a silly, grade school insult.  It
speaks to your own immaturity.  I recommend refraining from flaming
people like this.

rajacat;150475 Wrote: 
> If Mr. highdungeon is so honest why doesn't he disclose his connection
> to Slim Devices?


Relax.  It's about the music.
highdudgeon's Profile:
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