DirectViewer;152130 Wrote: 
> Well, it seems clear from the postings that there is at least a good
> chance that getting the playback out of the PC will improve the sound.
> So I'll take your advice. With the 30-day return policy  I won't even
> have the hassle of selling it. 
> I'm confused by that, Tom. The Theta is a full-blown A/V
> preamp/processor through which I run all my source devices. It has both
> analog and digital audio inputs. Are you saying that I should try using
> an analog hookup (i.e. use the DACs in the TP), or that I should run
> the TP directly to my power amps?

I was thinking the theta was a dac only.
But I think you should try the TP dac and run its analog using the
theta as a line level preamp.
You can also run the TP straight to the amp, but use the attenuation
inside the TP that works through the RCA outs.
There is a thread on this with much more detail.
You might like the TP dac more than the theta but you will only know if
you try it.
The reason I recommend at least a week is that the TP,to my ears,
improves a lot with time. It's great out of the box, but even better
after a few weeks IMHO

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