harmonic;155183 Wrote: 
> Damm i wise SD would make one simple do it all  ripping program 
> ...
> You see it is abel to reseive up to 24 bit

EAC, FLAC and MP3Tag aren't that hard to use.  Getting going is only an
hour or so of configuration.  Maybe putting together a packaged install,
fully set up would be a good idea.

Anyway, to the point, Your CDs are 16-bit, so when you rip them, you
get 16-bit.  Simple as that.  Using a 24-bit DAC won't help, as the
source material is limited.

It is possible to create or obtain 24-bit source material (e.g.
DVD-As), and this will have higher resolution.  It should sound better,
but probably not by much: I think that a careful implementation of 16
bits is likely to yield much better quality than a careless use of 24

You could convert 16-bit into 24-bit (by adding noughts, effectively);
your DAC will then convert at 24-bit.  It will sound the same.  Indeed,
it's possible that your DAC does this internally anyway.  All you will
achieve is bloating of the size of your FLACs.

What you are getting is exactly the same as if you plugged a CD
transport into your DAC thing.  Relax, play some music and enjoy!


SB3 and Shanling CDT-100, Rotel RT-990BX, Esoteric Audio Research 859,
Living Voice Auditorium IIs, Nordost cables
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