Apologies for not responding - away for Thanksgiving and all.

Just wanted to thanknyou all for the great info. I'll set up my HK
receiver again one day and see of I can tell a difference. If I can
I'll llok into more of the suggested options.

Many thanks again


richidoo;156258 Wrote: 
> Analog output S/N is degraded by any use of the digital volume control,
> because only the digital music portion of the signal is attenuated, not
> the noise from the analog stage that follows the DAC, which spews noise
> at full gain all the time. The digital output is not affected as much
> by the software volume control because the volume setting is tacked on
> to the 16 bit audio stream as an extra 8 bits and is peeled off inside
> the DAC, yielding true 16 bit resolution regardless of volume setting.
> The digital processing of the stream for volume changes will add
> mathematical distortion which is dithered very well and not audible by
> non-mutant beings. (I watched X-Men last night :)
> While noise from analog outs may not be noticeable to some people, I
> have high sensitivity speakers and find the noise to be very annoying
> when I use power amps instead of my integrated.
> Tip: set the display brightness settings on the SB to SHUT OFF after
> lighting up only during activity. Most of the noise comes from the
> plasma display, right channel only. Slimserver lets you adjust the
> brightness during use and at idle. Set the idle brightness to off. No
> fancy meters though :(
> No doubt the HK receiver's pre section will hurt the signal, but will
> maintain S/N better than the built in SB VC. If you can hear the
> difference, then you are a true audiophile. I am sooo sorry. hehe -
> Start savin buddy! Check out placette.com, good stuff. Or maybe an
> external DAC with built in volume control like Benchmark ($1000), or a
> passive volume control like CIAudio.com ($400). Lots of possibilities
> in the smart end of high end audio.
> Rich

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