highdudgeon;157631 Wrote: 
> Well, that's the problem, isn't it?  When we start making judgements
> about other people based on their points of view?  Sure, the
> "objectivist" -- I certainly lean in that direction and absolutely
> believe in the us double-blind tests -- can get loud; however, the
> "subjectivist" crowd -- and I'm a bit of that, too, liking as I do
> vintage tube amps -- can get equally defensive and rude.  This very
> post is an invitation to anger and could be construed as insulting.
> The thing is, this community is actually quite small.  Look at the
> threads -- how many new faces do you see?  Perhaps it would be a a good
> idea to start a thread that goes like this: 
> 1.  I am so-and-so (moniker, real name, initials, whatever); this is
> how long I've been into the hobby; this is some of my stuff; this is
> how I came to choose it; this is my basic philosophy about audio.
> 2. No one -- NO ONE -- replies to that post in a negative way, no
> matter how much you disagree with that individual.
> The point would be to have general introduction session, rather than
> getting to know each other by way of exchanged barbs.  Everyone would
> be invited to write about themselves without potentially insulting
> reference (see above) to other people.
> Any, this is just an idea to clear the air.  How many people are
> involved in these threads?  A dozen?  Twenty, at most?  That's not a
> lot of us and I reckon that, in person, we would be much more polite. 
> Therefore, getting to know each other in a more personal way could be
> helpful.

I think this is a great idea.  I too wonder how much rude or
inflammatory behavior that happens in forums like this would continue
if folks actually knew each other, or were sitting face to face.


Transporter, Quicksilver V4 Monos, Vandersteen Model 5A speakers.  SB3,
Quad Tube Pre-Amp, Tube Monos, Quad ESLs.  Homemade Tripath Digital
amps, Carver ALS (original) Speakers with Outboard Crossovers.
atkinsonrr's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=7214
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=30039

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